To support Mental Health Awareness Week we have brought together Research in Practice resources on mental health.
Mental health conditions can affect people at all stages of their life course. Social care practitioners require a sound understanding of the varied causes and effects of mental health conditions, as well as a working knowledge of key pieces of legislation.
The following Research in Practice resources aim to support positive mental health outcomes for children and young people, adults and families.
Resources to support mental health outcomes of children and young people, and families
This selection of Research in Practice learning resources about mental health can be used to support evidence-informed practice with children, young people and families.

- Adolescent mental health: Frontline Briefing
- Co-designing clinical support with children’s services: A collective response to unprecedented demand
- Defragmenting CAMHS - commissioning the children and young people’s mental health system: Strategic Briefing
- Developing and leading trauma-informed practice: Leaders' Briefing
- Parental mental health: Frontline Briefing
- Parental mental health: Frontline Tool
- Positive mental health and wellbeing in children and young people: Suggestions for practice
- Pre-birth assessment: Strategic Briefing
- Responding to self-harm among children and adolescents: Suggestions for practice
- Support around children who have experienced developmental trauma: Frontline Briefing
- Supporting practitioner wellbeing: Practice Guide
- Trauma-informed approaches with young people: Frontline Briefing
- Understanding self-harm among children and adolescents: Frontline Briefing
Resources to support mental health outcomes of adults
This selection of Research in Practice learning resources about mental health can be used to support evidence-informed practice with adults.

- Developing effective and person-centred mental health support for Deaf and hard of hearing people: Strategic Briefing
- Embedding trauma-informed approaches in adult social care: Frontline Briefing
- Person-centred approaches to adult mental health: Frontline Briefing
- Section 117 aftercare services and the Mental Health Act 1983: Practice Guidance
- Supporting practitioner wellbeing: Practice Guide
- Working with people who self-neglect: Practice Tool