Note of the Adult PSW Network event on 17 October 2022

Published: 22/12/2022

The new network chair team started the event by thanking the previous chairs, Jenefer Rees and Simon Homes, and welcoming all the principal social workers who are new to the network.

The Adult PSW Network’s new strap line

Modelling inclusivity / Enabling connection / Demonstrating relevance

The chairs hope this strapline reflects them as a leadership team, their aspirations and visions, and how they wish to support the network over the coming 2 years.

Introduction to the Chair Team

Hannah Scaife, Co-Chair

  • Currently, Hannah is the Principal Social Worker for adults at South Gloucestershire Council.
  • Hannah's interest areas include strengths-based and trauma responsive practice, social work supervisor development, and compassionate leadership. 

Sarah Range, Co-Chair

  • Currently, Sarah is Head of Quality Social Work Practice, Strategic Safeguarding Lead and the Principal Social Worker for adults at Southend City Council.
  • Sarah's interest areas include wellbeing and the prevention of vicarious trauma, social work education, and policy / legal literacy.

Jolaade Anjorin, Vice Chair

  • Currently, Jolaade is the Principal Social Worker for adults at Manchester City Council / Manchester Local Care Organisation.
  • Jolaade's interest areas include equality, diversity and inclusion; workforce and wellbeing; and adult social care reform.

Ann Brooking, Vice Chair

  • Currently, Ann is the Principal Social Worker and Head of Social Work Professional Standards, Quality and Safeguarding for Salford Care Organisation.
  • Ann's interest areas include safeguarding adults, quality assurance, co-production and centralising the voice of adults with lived experience, community led support, informal carers, and anti-discriminatory practice.

Paul Swift, Vice Chair

  • Currently, Paul is Principal Social Worker for adults at Tees, Esk and Wear Valley NHS Foundation Trust.
  • Paul's interest areas include shared decision-making, collaborative engagement with service users and carers, and social work identity (particularly in the NHS).

Presentation by Julia Pennington, Dignifi: Compassionate leadership

  • A recap on trauma
  • The impact of secondary trauma
  • The case for compassionate leadership

Presentation by the chair team

  • How can we make the most of the PSW network?
    • Intentional and increasing focus on seeking support and input from all principal social workers to develop key themes.
  • This will involve dynamic partnership working.
  • Agreeing our priorities and discussion around priorities:
    • compassionate leadership and wellbeing
    • equality, diversity and inclusion
    • workforce development
    • social work representation in the NHS
    • supporting and evidencing great practice
    • championing community-based, person-centred practice.
  • Engaging the regions:
    • representing the wide range and diverse views
    • importance of regions being fully represented within the network and externally
    • meetings with regional chairs to share priorities, practice developments and perspectives.
  • Discussing the purpose of the network.

Presentation by Lyn Romeo, Chief Social Worker for Adults: Reflections and requests of the network

  • Lyn discussed how her role is to support you and enable you, the network.

Time for wellbeing

  • Mindfulness practice with Leire Agirre

Next meeting – 17 January 2023 (online)

Thank you for to all those who attended and we look forward to welcoming you back for our next meeting on 17 January 2023.